European Links
If you live in Europe and are a regular visitor to a colony of Epipogium then we are looking to hear from you. By analysing data sets from across Europe and comparing them to the conditions found here in the UK, any patterns and correlations should help to determine ideal scenarios as to when Epipogium could be flowering in the UK and to identify new habitats where the species could be found. To get in touch, please contact
Number of flowering plants
This is vital and will help us to establish and understand whether Epipogium is undergoing a good or bad flowering season on the continent. There is a high chance that if the season is particularly strong elsewhere, this may be mirrored in the UK. Any measurements or comments on the sizes of plants would also be of use.
Other species and habitat details
Another important aspect is any other species present at the site and the type of habitat Epipogium are found to be growing in. In particular, we are looking for species in the herb layer and the shrub layer, as well as the type of trees present. The condition of the forest floor is also vital to our understanding of similar habitat preferences in the UK.
Indicator species abundance
If possible, please let us know if any indicator species are present at the site and how abundant they are. Indicator species include:
Epipactis helleborines (Epipactis purpurata) (Epipactis helleborine) (Epipactis leptochila)
Birds-nest Orchid (Neottia nidus-avis)
Yellow birds-nest (Monotropa hypopitys)
Presence of Inocybe fungi
We are trying to build up a database of known Inocybe species that occur in prime habitat for Epipogium. If any Inocybe fruiting bodies are found, please let us know (down to species level if possible). This way, Inocybe records in the UK can be analysed to establish whether any of the known sites contain any of the same species recorded in European Epipogium sites, and also to help identify potential new sites that contain the correct Inocybe species. This may indicate that the habitat is ideal for Epipogium, and searches can then commence.
Further information
Where possible, data on the weather with regards to the flowering period would also be of use – particularly rainfall and temperature. Any general observations of year-round weather conditions would also be helpful. For those conducting in-depth studies, the light intensity of the woodland where the colony is found as well as soil moisture levels would be particularly important.